Kirua Kinderhospital Hilfe  e.V.
Kilimanjaro / Tansania

Our association is based on 3 pillars.

1. Accommodation from hospital staff
Accommodation close to the hospital is necessary because it is located in a rural area with no rentable apartments or houses. In addition, on-call staff must be quickly available, which would be impossible without these apartments.
2. Training of hospital staff
For the training of our staff, a hospital school with a maximum of 30 students per year is planned.
3. Aid deliveries
we continue to support the hospital with aid deliveries from Germany.
Expensive equipment and consumables are donated to us, e.g. when a hospital is closed,
shipped by container and continued to be operated in our hospital.

What we have already been able to complete (as of October 2023)
The construction of the staff apartments has been largely completed and some rooms are already occupied by the staff.
A huge success that we owe to our loyal donors. Thank you very much (see photo gallery)

What does ChatGPT say about the future:

ChatGPT's answer to the following task:
Write me a scene: further development of the St Monica Hospital in Kirua/Tanzania after the end of the support through donations from Germany.

After the end of the support of donations from Germany for the St. Monica Hospital in Kirua, Tanzania, the village community continues its efforts to maintain and further improve health care at the hospital. Although financial support is ending for now, the residents of Kirua are determined to continue to make St. Monica Hospital a place of healing and hope.
The hospital's doctors, nurses and medical staff are working hard to provide the best possible care for patients, even without the additional resources from Germany. They use their expertise and experience to keep medical treatment at a high standard and protect the health of the villagers.
The Kirua community supports the hospital through volunteer work, donations of food and other goods. Everyone in the village contributes in their own way to ensuring that St. Monica Hospital continues to play an important role in Kirua's health care system, even without external help.
Despite the challenges associated with the end of German donation support, the spirit of cooperation and solidarity remains strong in Kirua. Residents are determined to preserve the evolved St. Monica Clinic and secure health care for the community. Through their joint efforts, they are optimistic about the future and are determined to preserve St. Monica Hospital as a place of healing and care.
